© Skye Blaine, 2015  Writer, Author, Teacher

© Skye Blaine, 2015
Writer, Author, Teacher

Bound to Love

by Skye Blaine

Bound to Love is the true story of a single mother who encountered and navigated a complicated nightmare for any parent. My child, the only child I could ever bear—was born with a life-threatening congenital heart defect, and suffered a more brutal health diagnosis soon after.

Walk with me as I birth the courage and grit to meet Thom’s compounding challenges. The memoir won first prize in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association contest under the name Blood Bond. The memoir covers Thom’s first twenty years as we confront prejudice, injustice, and a share of compassion as well.

This is an important read for any parent who feels alone raising a child with complex disabilities. It can be purchased in either paperback or Kindle from Amazon, or from Smashwords in other digital formats.

Paperback and Kindle versions available now. Audiobook is coming.